Code of Conduct

UBC Launch Pad is committed to building a creative, inclusive, and collaborative tech community. This Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for all members and the standards for behaviour within our community.


  • Respect and Inclusivity: Treat all members with respect. Embrace diversity and strive for an inclusive environment.
  • Collaboration and Engagement: Actively engage in collaborative projects and support your peers in their endeavours.
  • Innovation and Excellence: Aspire to learn and grow within your teams.

Member Guidelines

  • Active Participation: Regular participation in meetings, project work, and community events is expected.
  • Communication: Maintain open and respectful communication. If unable to meet commitments, promptly inform your team.

Active participation is determined by your openness and communication with your team members and the club.

The club provides flexibility in various ways for members:

  • You can return after a hiatus; e.g., you go on exchange or decide not to take on a project for certain years.
  • You can take time off within an active project cycle, e.g., when you have unforeseen circumstances or need a break.
  • The club deliberately scales back commitments close to finals and over the summer unless a member is keen on contributing.

Due to the teamwork spirit of our projects, primarily require honesty and transparency with your lead and teammates. If you are an inactive member or very inconsistent, the club will revoke your membership. Check the Policy Enforcement section for more details.

Policy Enforcement

  • Initial Warning: Members not adhering to these standards will receive a warning and guidance to improve.
  • Probation Period: Continued issues may result in a probation period, with close monitoring of participation and conduct.
  • Membership Revocation: Persistent inactivity or serious breaches of conduct may lead to the revocation of membership. You can apply again to join if your membership is revoked.

Reporting and Confidentiality

Incidents of unacceptable behaviour or concerns about a member’s conduct can be reported to UBC Launch Pad’s leadership team for review and action. Confidentiality will be maintained to protect those involved. If the issue is related to your leads/execs, you can report this to any of the other execs.

Moreover, we are dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive environment and we take unacceptable behaviours or patterns very seriously (including during recruitment)


All members are required to acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to adhere to these principles

This may not be the most comprehensive Code of Conduct and we will update this Code of Conduct as necessary or as we receive feedback. All members are required to adhere to these principles to maintain a positive, productive, and innovative environment at UBC Launch Pad.